Solution Provider
In-Touch® is about consumer insights and intelligence, the result from our research-based consulting skills, which are grounded in fact and are made relevant through a rigorous process of analysis.
Result is our insights, intelligence and recommendations that you can act upon to help answer questions, solve problems, and uncover opportunities.

About In-Touch
In-Touch® is about consumer insights and intelligence, the result from our research-based consulting skills

Our Services
We offer a wide range of services. We understand that it is not only the research data or information you need, but ‘Insight’, ‘Intelligence’, as well as business consulting.

Our Specialties & Experiences
Our expertise extends beyond FMCGs, we have in-depth knowledge and research experiences in other industries as well..

What draw tourist
to a destination?

Mobile application
that fits into lifestyle

Trade events and
the business they generated

Identifying the
‘High-value’ Travelers

Measuring Ad
Campaign Effectiveness

istribution of
Agricultural Products
We are specialized in...

How consumers respond
to the new flavor..

Impact of Functional Drinks
on Share of Throat

Products which answered
to the baker’s needs

Cooling property on shower gel
and other personal care products

Beauty vs. Cosmed Skincare
Product Choices

Breakfast choices for kids
We are specialized in...

Updated: 25/10/2021
News & Updates
Some PR news and published reports which might be of your interest…